
Inspired by Peter Stamp's forecast of technological trends favoring a "less is more" approach, he believes that in the future, "there will be fewer things around." Just as the smartphone replaced pagers, phonebooks, and calendars, technology will become more efficient and compact. Perhaps even smartphones as we know them will soon become obsolete. Here’s a glimpse of a magazine advert that imagines a ‘cell’ phone that stands true to its name:

A smart nano device that can effortlessly sync with our bodies. To make a call, one simply needs to raise their palm; to swipe right on a date, just a gesture is required. No more shuffling to find your phone or fear of losing it when you are the phone with U-Phone.


Magazine adverts, 2045


No more bulky smartphones, introducing a cellphone that stands true to its name. Effortlessly sync
it with your body. Simply raise your palm to make a call or swipe right on a date. No more shuffling
to find your phone when you are the phone with U-Phone.


About the artist

Abhishek Choudhury is an independent artist and designer based in Guwahati, Assam. An alumnus of Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology (2009-2013), he has worked as a freelance designer and visual artist with brands and NGOs for over a decade. Interested in critical thinking, cultural studies, and history, he has been experimenting with AI for the past two years to engage in critical dialogue and explore the intersection of artistic creation and technology. As an artist navigating this pivotal moment marked by technological advancements and AI, he is keen to explore the new possibilities it presents for creative expression.


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